About Us

Little River Baptist Association is a family of 47 cooperating Baptist churches affiliated with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina and the Southern Baptist Convention. We are motivated by a desire to serve the Lord by serving people, making a difference in the Harnett County area. Whatever your need is, we hope there will be something here that will help you in your daily life.

Our Staff:

  • Martin H. Dupree – Director of Missions
  • Missy Murry – Missions/Ministry Coordinator
  • Paula Dunham – Accountant

Our Purpose:
It is our desire to “inspire and encourage the member churches in a spirit of love and cooperation so that the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, might be proclaimed with greater power and effectiveness in our association, our state and nation, and unto the uttermost parts of the world.”
(Paraphrase, Article II, Constitution and Bylaws)

Our purpose is this:  We are here to serve and support the churches, pastors and staff. We are here to resource the churches, to encourage pastors, and to promote the carrying out of the Great Commission as a community of churches.

We have discovered four core values that drive our association.  They are:
Evangelism:  We pray and witness to see the lost brought to a saving knowledge of Christ.
Ministry:  We minister to the spiritual and physical needs of people.
Missions:  We obey the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
Training:  We train believers to be like Jesus in every way possible. (Ephesians 3:11-13)

We bring churches together in numerous short-term and long-term volunteer projects, as well as provide resources to the local church: training for lay ministers, leadership development for church staff, & consultation on church issues.